Branded Audience Data Provider

Connecting brands & advertisers with in-market customers

Audience360 is Australia’s leader in first party audience data from trusted publisher brands. We connect advertisers with customers actively searching and making purchase decisions across digital media to reach the right people at the right moment

Our audience meets your objectives

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In-market audiences

Access to exclusive audiences who are actively searching through our data partner sites, making purchasing decisions big or small and demonstrating a high intent to purchase

real state

Your target defined

We can help you get in front of your target audience. Our team defines a consumer’s additional behaviour to segment and rank the audience according to your brand’s demographic and interest requirements

mobile video

Reached via digital media

Optimise your media budget for exceptional results and widespread visibility. Based on your strategy, desired user action or available assets, we can activate across digital channels to achieve your goals, whether that’s self-managed or via our team directly

Our data partner brands

We’re a leader in branded audiences through our exclusive data partnerships with some of Australia’s most trusted publishers and marketplace hubs

Our Solutions

market audience

In-Market Audiences

Audience360 creates on-target and intent-based audiences for brands and advertisers. We do this through exclusive, privacy-compliant data partnerships with trusted publisher brands where people are actively in-market. Our audiences are searching for big-ticket items like a new car, house, or home loan down to researching travel or the latest tech devices and much more

digital media

Digital Media Advertising

At Audience360 we harness the targeting and creative opportunities within digital media to turn active buyers into potential customers for your brand. We reach audiences who are in-market at the right moment across the full scope of digital advertising channels, to ensure your brand is seen on a customer’s unique path to purchase

data partner

Data Monetisation

As a publisher or data owner, Audience360 can help you activate the power of your audience to provide your business with revenue growth opportunities through an exclusive data partnership or audience extension

Explore Our Audiences

Keep up to date with the latest news on privacy & data, industry insights & trends and best in class campaigns

Our Clients

Here’s some recent advertisers who have worked with us to reach the right audience, at the right moment

Industry News and Insights

Psst! We have a solution to cookie uncertainty, tired of waiting? 

After a thorough test and learn phase Audience360 launched its cookieless audience solution. Our clients are already seeing the benefits of reaching incremental audiences with this solution, as well as the power of targeting in-market audiences, as shown by the following case study.
Father and son fishing on the beach

When to best reach school holiday travellers

Summer school holidays may be over, but Audience360 Insights show that travel marketers should be preparing for the next school break now.
Competitive advantage

Gaining Competitive Advantage with First-Party Data

In the post-COVID era, the competitive landscape for destination marketers has become even more fierce. As travel booms...